
The Curl Club makes no guarantees regarding the outcome of the use of the material, products or resources available.

Testimonials and Comments:

The testimonials appearing on this site are actually received via text, email, or left as reviews on other websites. They are individual experiences of those that have used our products and/or services in some way or another. However, individual results may vary. 

Testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammar or typing errors. Some have been shortened, so that the whole message received by the testimonial writer may not be displayed. This is done only when the testimonial is lengthy, or if the entire testimonial did not seem relevant for the general public.

The Curl Club is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to the website.

Affiliate Links:

Occasionally links will be shared for certain product reviews, which may contain affiliate links. Heather Barclay will receive compensation from the products for sales made through the links shared. This website only promotes those products or services that Heather Barclay has investigated and truly feels will deliver value to you.